* is 14 lbs 11.5 oz and 25.5 inches long.
* has discovered his hands. He will fold his hands together while nursing, sitting in his car seat, or as he's talking.
* likes to suck on his hands or nuzzle his face into the muslin blankets while falling asleep. We often find the soother in the corner of his cradle.
* is wanting to keep up the conversation and story telling just like his cousin Zoey! Joel has also discovered his voice. It is the most delightful thing I have heard in a long time!
* is beginning to reach for things...the toys in his chair, the birds on his swing, or the food at the supper table.
* has found a sleeping rhythm and we are so thankful! Joel hasn't been a fussy baby, except for a week in his first month where gripe water was our friend, but we were ready for a 8 hour stretch of sleep instead of getting 8 hours in chunks :).
* has a passport. Bring on the winter travels!
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