Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thinking Thursday

In my Grade 2 class, I try and make each day special. We start off our day by reading a morning message that I've written to them. If I was at school today it would be "Thinking Thursday". I decided to call a sub this morning at 6:30 am. It has been a heavy week and I felt I needed the time at home to spend time praying and collecting my thoughts. Here are some things I've been thinking about and praising God for:
1. the Sovereignty of God...that He is in control of all things despite our flaws
2. for God's faithfulness and grace that is new every morning
3. a husband who loves God and serves Him
4. family and friends who love, support, encourage, and keep me accountable
5. a question I'm thinking about: What does it really mean to be vulnerable, real, and genuine with those around you?


Brent said...

Funny that you ask that question, Kristin. That's something I have often struggled with, particularly regarding Christian groups. When I worked at camp I really felt like no one was being real and honest because they had to give the impression that they were "good Christians". I think it's an important witnessing tool as well as important for accountability to be real with everyone. We're sinners, just like everyone else.


A Place of springs said...

To be real and genuine is the only way we can truly fellowship and grow with eachother. My mom and I were just talking on the phone about how important that is in the christian walk. We can spout off all sorts of truth, but with no vulnerability and openness the people listening don't really learn. My mom is teaching a bible study and is finding this very true for her. Great thoughts Kristen. Thanks for sharing.