Monday, September 10, 2012

Gifts: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

Took a break over the summer but feeling the need to come back to this... #170 to #190...

* 3 gifts summer: the beginning of a long weekend with my loves, laundry on the line, and digging up garden produce.

* 3 gifts cut out: cutting ribbon to celebrate birthdays with family, freshly cut sweet peas from my Aunt's garden, and a day cut-away from the to-do lists.

* 3 gifts yellow: a sunflower on the kitchen table, bright yellow fabric on bulletin boards, and leaves changing yellow at the tops of the poplar trees.

* a gift cool, warm, and sun-soaked: early cool mornings, evening walks together while it's still warm out, and a room of children who have enjoyed many sun-soaked days.

* 3 gifts autumn: warmth of a sweater on a cooler, rainy day; taking brand new school supplies out of the package; and seeing the red leaves on our maple tree in our front yard.

* 3 gifts growing: my beautiful girl; a growing friendship between a friend I've known for a long time and E; and a story before bed.

* 3 gifts given: the hand of friendship extended at lunch time from a girl who is teaching me daily about love and grace, snuggles with my boy before bed, and serious goodnight kisses from my girl.



Saturday, September 08, 2012

At 11 months, Joel...

Had time to upload some of my favorite pictures from M's phone tonight.  Sorry for the delayed post...Mom :)!

...weighs 19 lbs 14 oz (about the same as last month) but has grown another half inch in height and measures 29 1/2 inches long.

...loves to eat finger food of his tray.  When we sit down to eat, he'll peer at his bowl and check out what is on the table to make sure he is eating what we are eating.  It is like he says, "No more homemade baby food thanks.  I'm ready for "real" food!"

...has two new top teeth.  It made for challenging sleeping times this last month but we are glad we are through.

...isn't crawling yet but is very efficient at bum scooting.  He lets us know he's coming with the pat-pat of his hands on the carpet.

 ...can throw a ball, or block, or any small toy he discovers and is getting the hang of trapping a ball at his feet too.  His favorite game is throw and then scoot after it!

...has a few nicknames but is affectionately called by his big sister as "Jo-jo" and "Scooter".

....loves to sit and play in the same room as his sister.  At almost 1 and almost 4, they already know how to push each other's buttons and be a bit "bugging" but it is delightful to see them as friends and make each other laugh!

...smiles with a wide, two teeth grin and his eyes disappear.  His smile reminds us of Snoopy.

...and is always ready to play a game of peek-a-boo!

Saturday, September 01, 2012

July in Pictures

Taking time tonight to upload the camera and sort pictures taken over the last few busy months, brought a smile to my face as I looked back on all we did together.

We spent July...

* going for daily bike rides and walks with a girl excited to go outside, whatever the weather.  When we experienced a blustery day in the first week of July and I explained how windy and chilly it was, E went out to tell me she'd wear her toque, mitts, warm coat, and boots.  How can you say, "Please wait..." to that?!?!

* enjoying fresh berries on our cereal in the morning.

* in awe of God's creation: the canola fields near our home or the Rocky Mountains.

* celebrating our 7th anniversary together! 

* relaxing in the mountains.  Mountain air is so refreshing!

* with many splash park and back yard pool dates.

* visiting local farms.

* making pizza with Daddy.

* dressing up as a penguin with Mommy's gloves from under the sink (it still makes me laugh)!

* having tea parties on rainy days.

* visiting with friends we wished lived closer.

* and blowing bubbles off the deck.