Saturday, September 01, 2012

July in Pictures

Taking time tonight to upload the camera and sort pictures taken over the last few busy months, brought a smile to my face as I looked back on all we did together.

We spent July...

* going for daily bike rides and walks with a girl excited to go outside, whatever the weather.  When we experienced a blustery day in the first week of July and I explained how windy and chilly it was, E went out to tell me she'd wear her toque, mitts, warm coat, and boots.  How can you say, "Please wait..." to that?!?!

* enjoying fresh berries on our cereal in the morning.

* in awe of God's creation: the canola fields near our home or the Rocky Mountains.

* celebrating our 7th anniversary together! 

* relaxing in the mountains.  Mountain air is so refreshing!

* with many splash park and back yard pool dates.

* visiting local farms.

* making pizza with Daddy.

* dressing up as a penguin with Mommy's gloves from under the sink (it still makes me laugh)!

* having tea parties on rainy days.

* visiting with friends we wished lived closer.

* and blowing bubbles off the deck.

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